Monitoring activities in South American countries. It offers insight into the spectrum of activities .
“Crack”, a solid form of cocaine base, is especially popular in the United States due to its low price. .
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Monitoring activities in South American countries. It offers insight into the spectrum of.
“Crack”, a solid form of cocaine base, is especially popular in the United States due to its low price. .Wearing masks, strangers, including a man in a yellow poncho, wheel a gurney into a hospital on the outskirts of the small city of Fortaleza, Brazil. Inside are the body parts of a woman identified as Luciana, left and right arm, thigh, genitals, head and other body parts cut off after she was stabbed to death.
The witnesses told police that the woman was murdered on Nov. 16, the day before her funeral. The body had been cut up and left in a suitcase outside her apartment for about two days.
Victim Luciana de Lima Corrêa's ID was found inside a plastic bag in a suitcase.
The suitcase, contents intact, was found wrapped in a plastic bag, in a parking lot.
The man who found it called police, who called a forensic lab.
Luciana was stabbed to death early on Nov. 15. She was found in a nearby street. She was in her late 40s.
Her two sons were asleep when she was killed. Her husband, who died some years ago, was the father of her sons.
Some of the body parts appear to be missing.
Brazil’s Televisa network provided the image above. It's part of a short video from the Brazilian news channel.
Fortaleza is the capital of the northern state of Ceará, where Luciana lived.There is nothing new about labor unrest in the ranks of the Democratic Party. The tradition began as early as 1835, when the Whig Party had its first defeat at the polls. The results: a wildcat strike at the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad’s Patapsco Shops, a strike that ultimately split the railroad and, according to the most widely accepted version, wiped out the Whig Party’ ac619d1d87
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